Monday, September 14, 2009

Pizza Delivery

Last night I watched a co-worker, a man of simple means, become the hands and feet of Jesus. Like me, he also took a 3% pay cut a few months ago, he also has a son--actually two--eating him out of house and home, an apartment on which to pay rent, grocery and utility bills, and way too many car repairs.

And yet, not only did he offer to share the pizza he ordered for his dinner, he walked from desk to desk and delivered a slice to all who partook of his simple offer. There was less than half a pizza left when he was through. And he's a linebacker-sized man with muscles to feed!

I didn't realize what I was seeing last night, other than a co-worker whom I like and respect being generous to his co-workers.

When I woke up this morning though, God pointed out to me that I had seen Jesus in action. A man with little to go around, sharing with any and all, baring his servant heart as he walked from cubicle to cubicle, and taking the cooling leftovers for himself.

Jesus told his disciples, "for where two or three are gatherd together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

I can't say how many were gathered in His name at Transport America last night, but there must have been at least two or three.